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Our Classic tide watch - an evolution of technology and development from the leaders in tide.
Our Classic tide watch - an evolution of technology and development from the leaders in tide. 500 pre-programmed global tide locations, Tide display including precise tide height, next tide time, direction and future forecasting. Water resistant up to 100 meters (330 feet) and backed with a limited five-year worldwide warranty.
Module Features:
Pre-Programmed Tide Function (500) - Electronically Stored Tide Charts For 500 Preset Locations Worldwide.
Versatile Tide Display - Switch Between Graph View and Detailed View
Menu Based Interface - Extremely Easy to Use and Set - Say Good Bye to Instruction Booklets
Alarm, Stop Watch, Countdown Timer, and Light
Future Tide
Case Width: 41mm
ABS Case - A Tough Lightweight Plastic with a High Impact Strength. Used in Case and Strap Construction.
Waterproof Tested to 100M
Polyurethane* - Repels Water, Withstands Dramatic Temperature Changes and is Highly Tear Resistant.
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